MySejahtera has recently introduced physical help kiosks to provide assistance to those who are having issues with the MySejahtera app. Due to an encouraging response, the kiosks at World Trade Centre (WTC) in Kuala Lumpur will now be open daily until 15th March 2022. Initially, the kiosks were meant to be operational on Saturdays and Sundays.

MySejahtera has revealed there are limited slots available per day. According to their tweet, they are issuing 400 tickets daily starting from 9am to prevent congestion and to comply with SOP guidelines. It added that the kiosks are meant to assist with individual and dependent-related matters, and not for vaccination issues related to industry vaccinations. This may include mistakes with your personal details and incorrect or missing vaccination records.
Kaunter Helpdesk MySejahtera Di PWTC KL dapat sambutan luar biasa
— BERNAMA TV 🇲🇾 (@BernamaTV) February 19, 2022
According to a source on the ground, there’s already a large crowd at WTC this morning and there are ten counters available. Prior to this, the only way to solve MySejahtera issues is via the online helpdesk feature within the app. However, users have complained about the slowness or lack of response after filing a complaint.

Before going to the help kiosks, MySejahtera reminds all individuals to bring their identification documents, vaccination card, and other supporting documents related to the issue. Besides WTC, MySejahtera is also setting up kiosks at IDCC Shah Alam which will start on 26th February 2022.

Individuals who are currently under Home Surveillance Order (HSO) are not allowed to visit the MySejahtera kiosks. Users with HSO status can still get assistance using the helpdesk feature in the MySejahtera app.