The Ministry of Health has reported an encouraging update today with almost 3X the number of recoveries versus new COVID-19 cases today. There are 69 new cases today which is a new record low since 14th March 2020.
At the moment, there are a total of 5,251 confirmed cases with 86 deaths reported so far. Unfortunately, there are 2 new deaths recorded today. Meanwhile, 201 patients have recovered and discharged today, which brings the total number of recoveries to 2,967 (56.5%). 2,198 cases are still undergoing treatment with 51 cases in the ICU. At the moment, there are 26 cases that require respiratory support.
Status terkini #COVID19 di Malaysia, 17 April.
— KKMalaysia🇲🇾🩺❤️ (@KKMPutrajaya) April 17, 2020
Kes baharu 69
Kes keseluruhan 5,251
Kes aktif 2,198
ICU 51 termasuk 26 bantuan alat pernafasan.
Kematian baharu 2 kes
Keseluruhan kematian 86 kes atau 1.64%. @MuhyiddinYassin @DrAdhamBaba
In the past 5 days, the number of daily recoveries had outnumbered new cases. The number of daily cases is showing signs of decline with 85 new cases on 15 April and 110 new cases on 16 April. Today marks the second time that the new cases have fallen into the double-digit range.