Malaysia has not fully shut down its 3G networks, over 440,000 users have not switched to 4G phones
Malaysia was supposed to shut down all 3G networks by the end of 2021 but it turns out that some ...
Malaysia was supposed to shut down all 3G networks by the end of 2021 but it turns out that some ...
As part of the JENDELA initiative, Malaysia aims to shut down all 3G networks by the end of this year. ...
Digi is postponing the 3G network shutdown in several states until Jan 2022 due to ...
Celcom has announced 4G network improvements in Sabah and Sarawak by optimising 100 sites with ZTE's L900 technology starting November ...
The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has published its 4th quarter JENDELA report. It highlights the progress of Malaysia's ...
Malaysia is shutting down its existing 3G networks by the end of 2021 and telcos are getting all remaining customers ...
Under the current JENDELA plan, Malaysia aims to shut down 3G networks by the end of this year to free ...
Under the JENDELA program, Malaysia aims to shut down 3G networks by the end of this year. While most telcos ...
Malaysia will be shutting down its 3G networks by the end of this year and it appears that Celcom is ...
As Malaysia targets to shutdown 3G networks by the end of 2021, Celcom has revealed that it has approximately 200 ...