Astro customers are still experiencing an interruption with their content viewing experience as the Pay-TV operating is having issues with its satellite service. The problem occurred yesterday afternoon and they have yet to restore all of their channels for their set-top-boxes.
Astro acknowledged the issue at 6pm yesterday and has advised customers to stream via the Astro Go mobile application. The post mentioned that their satellite provider is experiencing an outage and are working to address the issue.
It appears that most channels have been restored but more time is needed to rectify the satellite signal and all channels. At 9am this morning, they updated that the satellite provider requires more time to solve the problem.
If you’re an Astro user, you can stream your subscribed content by downloading the Astro Go app which is available on both Apple AppStore and Google PlayStore. Alternatively, you can also watch via their web portal.
Astro apologises for the interruption and they have also advised customers to switch off the set-top-box and switch it on back again to see if the channels have been restored.
Astro is a satellite Pay TV service by MEASAT Broadcast Network Systems Sdn Bhd. The company operates a network of satellites including MEASAT-3, MEASAT-3a, MEASAT-3b, MEASAT-5 (also known as IPstar) and AFRICASAT-1a.

MEASAT also offers satellite broadband services under the brand ConnectMe which offers 100% nationwide coverage with speeds up to 30Mbps. With the launch of MEASAT-3d next year, the provider can provider faster download speeds up to 100Mbps via Ka-band.
We’ve reached out to ConnectMe about the issue and they have provided us with the following statement:
MEASAT had experienced an anomaly on one of its satellites at around 2pm yesterday which had caused disruption to services. Only limited number of CONNECTme NOW sites are affected while the majority remain in service as we use multiple satellites to serve the market.
All efforts are being taken to ensure resumption of service for the affected sites as soon as possible.