Touch ‘n Go eWallet is currently running a +Kawan referral campaign for its Go+ investment feature where you can earn unlimited extra p.a. bonus for a limited time. For each successful referral, you’ll get 1% p.a. bonus return rate for your Go+ balance.

To participate in the campaign, all you’ll need to do is to invite friends to upgrade their eWallet to Go+. You’ll get the 1% p.a. for every successful referral and the more you refer, the more bonus return rate you’ll get and there’s no limit to how many people you can refer. On top of that, you can still earn your usual daily return rate which usually hovers around 1.3-1.47% p.a.
Do note that this campaign is only running for 3 months from 10th May until 10th August 2021. Although Go+ has a balance limit of RM9,500, the bonus return rate is only applicable to a cap of RM3,000. This means even if you deposit RM5,000, you can only enjoy the extra bonus return for RM3,000.
According to their example in the FAQ, if you have RM3,000 and have gotten a bonus return rate of 10% p.a, your bonus daily reward would be RM0.8219 per day (RM3,000 x 10% / 365 = RM0.8219). So if you have 100 referrals and get 100% bonus return rate, you could be looking at RM8.219 per day. (RM3,000 x 100% / 365 = RM8.219), which is about RM246.57 in one month.
There’s also a campaign cap of RM1,600,000 according to the FAQ. Once the cap has been reached, the campaign will stop and you won’t earn the extra bonus return.
To recap, Go+ sits as a separate balance from your normal Touch ‘n Go eWallet and you can add funds via eWallet or FPX. Go+ also lets you transfer funds instantly back to your eWallet. There’s also the option to cash out directly to your bank account but this requires at least one business day.
For more info, you can check out the Go+ section in your Touch ‘n Go eWallet or refer to their full FAQ.