iPhone 3GS 8GB released with iOS 4 installed
The new entry level iPhone 3GS 8GB which was announced together with the iPhone 4 is reported to have the ...
The new entry level iPhone 3GS 8GB which was announced together with the iPhone 4 is reported to have the ...
AirAsia & Citibank is having a promotion on Maxis's iPhone 3GS with discounts of minimum 30%. Since the iPhone 4 ...
We’re not agreeable about this reviewer program that Maxis ran in conjunction with the launch of the Desire. From what ...
Alright, for those of you who's wondering which countries will be getting the iPhone 4 and when, here's a list ...
Malaysia’s biggest supporter of Android devices -- Maxis -- will be bringing in another high-end Android phone, this time in ...
The 2010 FIFA World Cup is now underway. Although we’ve witness pretty entertaining first matches, we’re not seeing a festival ...
In-conjunction with the current football fever, Maxis is running "The Biggest Fan" contest that gives away 10 pairs of trips ...
During our early discovery of the Astro b.Player iPhone app, we mentioned that the only other channel available for live ...
As the official mobile broadcaster for the 2010 FIFA World Cup, Maxis is going all out delivering extras to its ...
(Update 20072010 1738hrs) Looks like our predictions are correct. BREAKING: DiGi opens pre-order for iPhone 4. Immediately after the iPhone ...