Maxis 5G: Consumers to get 5G after access agreement with DNB is settled by January 2023
Maxis, the only telco in Malaysia that has yet to sign up with Digital Nasional Berhad (DNB) for 5G access, ...
Maxis, the only telco in Malaysia that has yet to sign up with Digital Nasional Berhad (DNB) for 5G access, ...
Telekom Malaysia (TM) is the second telco in Malaysia to offer commercial 5G services after it signed the 5G Access ...
Maxis aims to settle the 5G access agreement with DNB by January 2023, to launch ...
U Mobile has announced that it has concluded and signed off the 5G Access Agreement with Digital Nasional Berhad (DNB). ...
Digital Nasional Berhad (DNB) has announced that the four telcos - Celcom, Digi, YTL Communications and Telekom Malaysia have executed ...
It appears that Maxis is having some network issues at the moment with users getting just EDGE (2G) instead of ...
As highlighted by one of our readers recently, Maxis postpaid customers are automatically charged the RM15/day roaming pass for unlimited ...
Following a recent report that Maxis and U Mobile have declined to take up the equity stake in Digital Nasional ...
As highlighted by our reader recently, Maxis postpaid customers are charged RM15 for making or answering a single voice call ...
DNB says six telcos were supposed to sign the Share Subscription Agreements on 30th August ...