I hope you’ve listened to only your best music from the beginning of the year until yesterday, 31 October. Because if you assumed that Spotify only collects your listening data until Halloween for its end-of-year Wrapped feature, you’d be correct.
If you’re not familiar with what Spotify Wrapped is, it is a clever viral marketing campaign by Spotify that allows Spotify users to view a compilation of data about their activity on the platform over the past year and invites them to share it on social media. It is basically one of the highlights of a Spotify user, as it’s able to show how great (or terrible) their music taste is.
Spotify Wrapped had been releasing its feature yearly since 2016. However, while Spotify Wrapped is commonly referred to as an annual collection of data, it’s been going around on social media that the app only counts the data between 1 January and 31 October of a given year.
Although it sounded a lot like a fastly spread rumour on the internet, I had to look it up to confirm it. Lo and behold, Spotify did confirm the fact after a community member mentioned that not including the data in November and December didn’t make any sense. They asked Spotify if the platform could at least count the November-December data in the next year’s wrap.
“We’ve been keeping an eye on this submission for an extended period of time, and it doesn’t seem this will reach the votes necessary to put it forward for prioritisation,” responded Spotify.

Now that it’s 1 November, it looks like your listening data on Spotify won’t matter for the upcoming Spotify Wrapped feature. And if you were hoping to cheat the system by listening to cooler music, it’s already too late for that.