A video posted by Nas Daily on Facebook in August was reviewed and debunked by YouTuber 74 Gear, who said that the claims Nas Daily made felt like they were “written by somebody on TikTok”. 74 Gear, who is also a Boeing 747 Pilot according to the YouTuber’s bio, made a 17-minute video explaining why Nas’s claims were inaccurate.
What Nas Daily claims
Nas Daily, a controversial content creator who’s had a couple of controversies before, created one of his famous short videos explaining that “airplane clouds” AKA contrails “trap heat and contribute to global warming”. It also looked like he worked with Etihad Airways to make the video, as they were featured in it as ‘heroes’ of sorts.
“When planes fly they leave behind the mix of vapours and exhaust gases in the sky,” said Mimmo Catalano, a Captain at Etihad Airways in the video.
Nas then explains that the “issue” is that these vapours and exhaust gases, or the contrails, “stay in the sky for hours or even days at a time”. He continues saying that the contrails “trap heat” and contribute to global warming.
“Here’s what (Etihad Airways is) doing! Before a flight, the pilots and navigation teams look at tons of weather data to avoid storms, but they also use it to avoid cold and humid air. How? By simply flying a few hundred meters above or below (the contrail-prone area). It sounds simple, but there is a lot of artificial intelligence and computations involved in the process,” said Nas.
In the video, an Etihad Airways spokesperson also brought up that in “the last 5 months alone” the company has reduced its carbon footprint by 5,000 tons”. Nas ends the video saying that if every airline did the same, “we could reduce the speed of global warming globally!”.
Here’s what 74 Gear said
YouTuber and pilot 74 Gear posted a video of him debunking Nas Daily’s video. He wrote in his description that he has “always interested to see people come up with solutions to help protect the environment”, but the Nas Daily video was “one of the worst ideas”.
Regarding Nas’ claim that contrails can “stay in the sky for hours or even days at a time”, 74 Gear says that it isn’t entirely accurate. He explains contrails, typically speaking, would dissipate because of temperature changes or wind shifts.
“If (Nas’ claims) were true, the skies over busy airspace would be covered and they would be sitting there for days,” he continued.
74 Gear also covered the claims of how the contrails can trap heat and contribute to global warming. While Nas’ claim might be technically true, contrails typically are just thin little “strings” in the sky that would dissipate pretty quickly anyway.
“Next time you go buy Starbucks, make sure when they try to give you a lid, just say ‘oh no, I got my string. I’ll keep my heat in that way’,” said 74 Gear.

As for how Etihad Airways claims that they would be fighting global warming by “simply flying a few hundred meters above or below” the contrail-prone area, the pilot also had some concerns. He said that temperatures won’t always be in a specific range, so pilots can’t just tell air traffic control that “today they will be flying at a certain range”. Basically, doing so could mean that one specific plane would be too close to another plane above.
There are a few more points that 74 Gear explains in detail regarding the claims that Nas Daily made in his video that you can watch on YouTube. He also suggests that a better way to reduce your carbon footprint is to “stop buying stuff in other countries and then paying for them to get shipped all the way over”.
“… just bite the bullet and pay extra to have things made somewhere nearby where you live, do stuff locally… that would be a lot better than having these planes flying at a lower altitude, burning more gas for flying around and outside of something so that way they’re burning for gas… that makes literally no sense to me,” said 74 Gear.
Last year, we also reported another Nas Daily controversy, after the team responded to “rude behaviour” claims by a Forbes listee. The listee claimed that Nas was only interested in making “clickable content” and that he “didn’t care about making change or shedding light on real issues”.