As we slowly start to see how Instagram is trying to be an all-in-one app, we find that its newest feature that it’s working on is adding moderators to the Live broadcasts. This, in turn, will help content creators on the platform control the chat function—and it’s a lot like what Twitch has been doing for some time.
Reverse engineer and leaker Alessandro Paluzzi tweeted that Instagram is currently working on adding moderators to Live, and posted screenshots of what the function will look like. According to the screenshots, you will be able to see the option to add a moderator for your Live broadcasts in the options section, above other options like “Turn off commenting” or “Turn off requests to go Live”.
I don’t personally watch too many Instagram Live broadcasts. But when I do, the popular Live subjects like musicians and Hollywood actors would often either switch off the chat function or just ignore the chat altogether. I don’t blame them—fans can be unruly and it can be entirely overwhelming to try and be entertaining and try to control the chat at the same time.
Adding moderators can help remove messages, links, spam that would ruin the chat experience. On Twitch, mods would even have their own special “badge” to help show the chat who they are when they are posting in the chatroom.
Paluzzi also added that Instagram will allow users to add only one moderator to a Live video. It should be enough for Instagram Live, as they can be a bit more casual than something like a Twitch stream. Twitter, which hosts its own live feature called Spaces, lets you set two additional co-hosts to help moderate.
Another feature Instagram is introducing is their “paid subscription” feature—OnlyFans style. It’s a way to let its creators make money off making content.