The Sarawak state government has updated its SOP for incoming visitors into the state which will take into effect starting Monday, 18th October 2021. Some requirements that were introduced last week have been lifted for fully vaccinated individuals including exemption of “EnterSarawak” application for Sarawakians.

Interstate SOP for fully vaccinated individuals
According to the latest SOP, fully vaccinated individuals are no longer required to produce a negative COVID-19 test result before entering the state. However, they are still required to provide proof of full vaccination and have a “low risk” or “casual contact no symptom” status on their MySejahtera app before boarding their flight or boat. All visitors must declare their health status via the e-Health Declaration Form.
As announced earlier, all travellers must submit an EnterSarawak application. Effective 18th October, this requirement will be exempted for Sarawakians. Travellers who are non-Sarawakians are still required to submit an application except for Federal officers working in Sarawak, private sector employees, non-Sarawakians with Sarawakian spouse, Sarawakians who are born outside of Sarawak and Sarawak-MM2H visa holders.
Interstate SOP for non-fully vaccinated individuals
Partially and unvaccinated individuals are still allowed into the state but they must produce a negative RT-PCR or RTK-Antigen swab test result within 3 days before entering the state. Results from a self-test-kit will not be accepted. Individuals who are not fully vaccinated must also undergo a 10-day quarantine at home or at a quarantine centre. They are also required to apply for EnterSarawak and fill in an e-Health Declaration Form.
The SOP also mentioned that children below 12 years of age are also required to undergo COVID-19 screening if they are travelling into the state with an unvaccinated or partially vaccinated parent or guardian.
SOP for Travellers from overseas
Individuals entering Sarawak from abroad must produce a negative RT-PCR test result within 3 days before entering the state and report their travel history to airport officers. International travellers are required to apply for EnterSarawak and fill up an e-Health Declaration form. For fully vaccinated individuals, they must undergo a mandatory quarantine of 7 days while partially and unvaccinated individuals must be quarantined for 10 days. Travellers who are fully vaccinated are allowed to transit in Sarawak within 24 hours.
To recap, Malaysia has lifted interstate travel restrictions from 11th October 2021 for fully vaccinated individuals. Sabah, the state with the lowest fully vaccinated rate had deferred the reopening of state borders for tourism. Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor announced that interdistrict travel is permitted from 14th October while interstate travel is only allowed from 1st November. The Sabah state government is also requiring travellers to show a negative RTK-Ag or RT-PCR COVID-19 test result three days before they travel.
Although COVID-19 screening is not mandatory, it is still recommended to perform a self-test before starting your journey to protect your relatives in your hometowns. Travellers who are having symptoms such as fever, cough or flu are advised to defer their travel plans.