Grab in Indonesia posted their Star-Trek-themed Ramadan commercial on YouTube on 9 April, and it’s super impressive. It currently has more than a million views.
The video starts with an introduction of a space captain and his crew—and even their “cat, but its a robot, but it’s a cat”. Before they can even start any missions, their ship is attacked by something that looks like a giant baby head (I wish I was making this up).
The giant baby head and his henchmen “steals” the space crews’ Ramadan meals. Not having anything to break their fast with, a space crew member reveals a “Grab” button—which “orders” food across outer space to their ship.
“Yes, these hardships are all a test, but there is always a solution,” said the crew.
The video ends unresolved as they never confronted the giant baby head after receiving food from Grab. But they teased a sequel with a “To Be Continued”, so I can’t wait to watch the second parter.
Indonesia’s Gojek also released a hilarious Ramadan commercial, which was posted on Twitter. It featured recipients bursting in tears after receiving their packages, leading to a shower of tears and Gojek riders carrying umbrellas across the neighbourhood.
Walaupun Ramadan kali ini masih berjauhan, tapi kita bisa jaga kedekatan dg kirim-kiriman yang lebih bermakna. Bisa sesuatu yang dia suka, butuh, atau punya arti tersendiri buat kalian. Ramadan ini dekatkan yang jauh, kirim yang bermakna.#KirimanBermakna #Ramadan
— Gojek Indonesia (@gojekindonesia) April 3, 2021
I currently couldn’t find any Malaysian Ramadan-themed commercials yet for this year, but Malaysia would need to step up their game. Maybe something with two giant baby heads?