The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) and the Malaysia Competition Commission (MyCC) are working together to address exclusivity arrangements between telcos and property developers in high-rise buildings including residential properties.
The MCMC has received several complaints from the public and it viewed the matter seriously as such arrangements deprive users from accessing their preferred telecommunications provider. As a result, the exclusivity could lead to high prices and poor quality of broadband services.
All telcos and building managements with existing exclusive arrangements are told to take immediate remedial measures. Those that failed to do so will face appropriate action under the Communications and Multimedia Act (CMA) 1998 by the MCMC and the Competition Act 2010 by MyCC. This means it would be illegal for one provider to monopolise an entire building and the building management must not prevent other telcos from providing its services.

According to the MCMC, the published guideline for infrastructure planning, “Garis Panduan Perancangan Infrasruktur” (GPP-I), prohibits exclusive arrangements between telecommunications service providers and property developers or building managements. With this collaboration between MCMC and MyCC, it hopes that end consumers would be free to select their preferred telco based on price and quality of service.