The government is following through on its promise to distribute RM30 to all eligible Malaysians under the eTunai program, with redemption to begin on the 15th of January 2020 (today) at 8am. Eligibility extends to Malaysians who are 18 years old and above with an annual income of less than RM100,000, with the RM30 to be deposited into one of three eWallets—Grab, Boost, and Touch ‘n Go eWallet. There are actually a number of added benefits that each provider offers with the redemption of your eTunai, however. Here’s a quick breakdown:
Grab: First 10,000 gets more

Eligible users will be able to claim the RM30 incentive on Grab from the 15th of January till the 8th of March, and users have to use the RM30 incentive by the 14th of March 2020.
In addition to the RM30, the first 10,000 users to sign up for their incentive on Grab will receive GrabPay RM5 vouchers from partners, including Baskin Robbins, Hotlink, Mydin, Sushi King, Secret Recipe, JomParking, and PhotoBook (as well as GrabCar and GrabFood)—worth up toRM270.

The 10,001–110,000th sign ups will get RM5 vouchers worth up to RM120 in addition to the RM30, while sign ups after the 110,000 mark will get vouchers worth up to RM30. Grab also says that all sign ups will have access to GrabPay exclusive promotions worth up to RM2,700, although it isn’t stated what these promotions are, specifically.
Boost: Shake shake
For Boost, users will need to upgrade to Boost Premium to get verified to claim their eTunai Rakyat. Once you’ve submitted your claim, you’ll stand a chance to “shake” for up to RM8,888. But even if you aren’t eligible for eTunai Rakyat (or if you’ve redeemed it elsewhere), you’ll still have a chance to shake for the RM8,888, so long as you’ve upgraded to Boost Premium and verified your account.
Boost users must submit their application for the eTunai Rakyat incentive from the 15th of January till the 8th of March 2020, and the incentive has to be used by the 14th of March 2020.
Touch ‘n Go eWallet
For TNG’s eWallet, users will be entitled to an exclusive bonus of RM30, in addition to the RM30 eTunai Rakyat incentive. However, the bonus has an asterisk (*), and we can’t find any mention of it in the terms & conditions. In addition to that, you’ll also entitled to 2 chances to win prizes that are worth up to RM2 million.
[ UPDATE 15/1/2020 6:30PM ] The RM30 Exclusive Bonus is actually a 6 x RM5 cashback promo. More details here.
Similar to the other two eWallets above, the incentive can only be used until the 14th of March 2020, and the amount is also non-transferable. Do note that users will only be able to redeem the RM30 incentive from one eWallet, and that the RM30 will not be able to be used once the 14th of March 2020 has passed.
Have you redeemed your eTunai Rakyat incentive? Which eWallet did you choose? Let us know which was your preferred choice, and why, in the comments below. You can also read our comparison of eWallet choices in Malaysia in the “related reading” section below, along with a complete breakdown of the eTunai Rakyat programme.