Before you get excited, do note that you still must have a CDL (Competent Driving licence) for selected models. On top of that, SOCAR is also waiving its membership fee until 30th April 2019. The membership fee normally costs RM50 and it is charged on your first booking.

To recap, SOCAR is a key-less car sharing service and everything is managed from the SOCAR app. This means you’ll have to use your smartphone to book a SOCAR and to unlock the vehicle. SOCAR currently has 18 different vehicle models which are placed at over 680 locations in the Klang Valley, Penang and Johor Bahru.
Each hour of SOCAR booking comes with 20KM of free mileage and the daily rate will cost you a capped 12 hours of booking. A petrol card is included and you’re required to return the car with the tank having at least 50% of fuel.
If you’re new to SOCAR, you can sign up here. To learn more about the SOCAR experience, you can check out our video guide.