We have all done it at least once. We send a message that we wished we hadn’t. If you use Facebook Messenger a lot, you’ll be happy to know that Facebook has added a feature in its Messenger app that allows users to recall a message after it has been posted.
After a message is posted, you have a 10-minute window to recall it and there will be a note saying that your message has been removed, something like what you see on WhatsApp. And just like WhatsApp, to recall a message, all you need to do is tap on the message that you would like to recall then select the “Remove for Everyone” option.
As far as we can tell, Facebook has been testing the feature since November 2018 when it made known that the ability to remove a message from a chat after it has been sent is coming in its Messenger 191.0 update release notes.
While the ability to recall a message is new for Facebook’s Messenger, the feature was first introduced in WhatsApp, a Facebook-owned app.
In WhatsApp, the ability for users to recall messages was available from October 2017, provided that the recall is done within 420 seconds (or 7 minutes) after the message was sent. That time frame has since been extended to over an hour.
The remove feature will be available on mobile devices powered by the latest versions of Apple or Android software, according to Facebook.
[via Malay Mail]