You’ve probably seen news floating around social media that Maybank is closing its services down for bank-wide maintenance over the weekend. Many are losing their minds about not being able to make transactions or withdraw money during this time and are probably already rushing to the bank to withdraw some right now.
The thing is, have you guys looked at the maintenance schedule? We have, and honestly, we don’t see it being that much of a problem.
This is it. If you look at the times, the maintenance will be going on largely from 12am until 7am on both days for services that the general public usually uses. Do you usually find yourself at an ATM or performing a transaction during those hours?
The only services that will go down until 12pm are business related and most businesses aren’t operating on the weekends.
Sure, we’re not saying that this won’t inconvenience some people because it probably will. What we’re saying is that it isn’t dire enough that you have to rush to the bank right now to make a transaction/withdraw money.
Maybank isn’t shutting down for the entire weekend, people.