This post is paid for by Celcom, the operator with Malaysia’s widest network and winner of Frost & Sullivan’s Mobile Broadband Provider of the Year for two years in a row.

In addition to its mobile voice, data and home fibre offerings, Celcom also now has paid WiFi hotspot offering called the Celcom First WiFi.
Currently, there are over 400 Celcom First WiFi hotspots in the country at key shopping malls, business centres, offices, hotels and transportation hubs. Celcom plans to grow this number as the service gains traction. For full Clecom First WiFi coverage details, click here.
The service is available for existing Celcom post-paid and prepaid subscribers and can be activated via SMS (auto-reload service and over-the-counter reload coupons are also available). In addition, the Celcom First WiFi allows you to manage and keep track of your WiFi usage and data volume quotas efficiently via a web-based account management system.
On top of the data connectivity, the Celcom First WiFi service provides addition value-add by feeding subscribers with special location-based services and information that is pushed automatically directly to their mobile device in addition to a whole host of Celcom rewards and privilege including bonus vouchers and discounts. Also, as an incentive, Celcom First Data Advance and Pro customers get an additional 1GB monthly WiFi access for free.
Head over to after the jump for detail on the Celcom First WiFi.
How to subscribe to Celcom WiFi First? (Only applicable for Celcom subscribers):
- Step 1: SMS ON WIFI to 22188
- Step 2: Reply with WIFI DAILY YES, WIFI WEEKLY YES or WIFI MONTH YES (Celcom First Data Pro/Advance customers can activate their FREE 1GB monthly access by replying with WIFI FREE YES)
- Step 3: You’ll receive a WiFi ID and password
- Step 4: Launch your web browser, log in and start surfing!
More on Celcom WiFi First here