The Samsung Galaxy S6 edge is the world’s first smart phone to have a dual edge display. Following its release of its GALAXY Note Edge, Samsung has taken is flexible display technology to the next level on its latest flagship.
Apart from being more ergonomic and stunning to look at, the Galaxy S6 edge also comes with extra features as well. We’ve listed the 6 things to discover with the Samsung Galaxy S6 edge after the break.
People Edge: Your contacts a thumb swipe away
Your smart phone is supposed to keep your friends and families closer and what better way to do it than to keep a swipe away from your thumb. Exclusive on the Galaxy S6 edge is a unique People Edge, where you can set your 5 favourite contacts on the edge of your phone.
If you need to call or SMS any of them, you can now do so by simply swiping at the sides. In an event there’s a missed call or SMS, the People Edge will let you know by having a visible colour tab on the screen.
Know who’s calling discreetly
In situations where you can’t answer phone calls, the edge also doubles up as an Edge notification light when placed face down. When there’s an incoming call from your 5 contacts, the preset colours will flash, letting you know who it is without revealing their details on the screen. So now you’ll know at a glance if it’s an urgent call that you need to take.
Can’t answer the call? Just press and hold the heart rate sensor next to the camera. This will hang up the call and it will send an SMS to inform them that you’re unable to attend to the call.
Your bedside Night Clock
Like the GALAXY Note Edge, you can turn your Galaxy S6 edge as a night clock. This can be activated according to your preferred start and end time. The night clock display is dim enough to be visible without being a distraction. With its Super AMOLED display, it is quite power efficient and it shouldn’t take a major toll on battery life.
Notifications at a glance
With the Galaxy S6 edge in sleep mode, you can always check for notification on the edge display. By simply rubbing the edge from left to right repeatedly, you can take a glance if you have any missed calls, SMS or emails. This can be set under settings and you can choose the type of notifications to be displayed.
Quick Updates at your finger tips
Want more than just notifications? The Galaxy S6 edge opens up more possibilities with customisable Information Stream Panels. You can add anything from top news, twitter trends, stocks, sport scores or RSS feeds from the Edge screen settings. Similarly, you can view this by rubbing the edge display while the screen is off and you can scroll up or down to view the information stream panels.
Designed for Left or Right Handed Use
Whether you’re left or right handed, the Galaxy S6 edge designed for all users in mind. From the settings, you can switch the Edge screen position to either side of the curved display. This will be applied for all functions, including People Edge, Notifications, Night Clock and Information stream.