Here’s another fresh report on the upcoming iPad 2. Apple has apparently engaged British photographer David Sims for commercial shoot of the upcoming iPad in New York.
The iPads used are reported to be of the current generation of iPads and there’s no new devices found at the scene. What it is believed is that there will be some post production work to make it look like the new iPad. There are 2 possible takes on this, firstly the new iPad won’t differ much in looks and size from the current generation just like the iPhone 3G and the 3GS. Since Apple is pushing for FaceTime, we would expect at least a front facing camera and it is possible that the new iPad will maintain the same camera-less back. That’s of course assuming the ads could possibly showing people using the iPad like the one above. So far these are all speculation but it is indication that the iPad 2 could be out sooner than expected.