Windows 95 is already more than 20 years old and it was Microsoft’s OS designed for the internet age. Computers back then were bulky with huge CRT monitors hooked up to desktop or tower boxes. If you could remember those things, you are likely to have experience dial-up using Jaring or TMnet.
With the current generation of touch-enabled and wireless devices, many teenagers wouldn’t know how it’s like to go online back in the days. If you think it isn’t really a big difference, check out how these teens react to a machine from 20 years ago.
They used a classic Pentium computer clocked at 133MHz and it comes with 32MB of RAM. Our current smartphones today have better specs than that. Unlike the current PCs with Windows 8 or Windows 10, starting up a computer back then can really take a long time.
Before there was fibre or ADSL, most people rely on the good old dial-up modem. With download speeds of 14.4Kbps to 28.8Kbps (before 56K modems), it could take minutes to load a heavy web page and that’s slower than the throttle speeds you get today when you finish your mobile data quota.
Remember the “It’s now safe to turn off your computer” message? Even shutting down a PC was a manual process as you would need to switch off the machine manually. That was before ATX power supplies became mainstream.
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