Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob has announced via Twitter that his Telegram account has been hacked by irresponsible individuals. He urged his contacts to ignore any message received from the account and to report it to the relevant authorities.
Perhatian: Akaun Telegram peribadi saya telah digodam oleh individu tidak bertanggungjawab. Mohon laporkan kepada pihak berkuasa dan abaikan sebarang mesej yang diterima daripada akaun berkenaan.
— Ismail Sabri (@IsmailSabri60) August 8, 2022
Ismail Sabri didn’t provide further details about the issue but he did say that it is his own personal Telegram account. Telegram is a popular messaging platform and it is seen as a better alternative to WhatsApp as it has a better multi-platform support.
The instant messaging app achieved over a billion downloads following a major outage last year which affected Facebook and other related apps including WhatsApp. The login process is similar to WhatsApp as it uses your mobile number and a verification process that sends a 5-digit login code.