The covers are off and the Samsung Galaxy S III Mini has been revealed ahead of its supposed launch tomorrow in Germany. The Galaxy S III Mini features a 4.0″ Super AMOLED display that does rather low 800×480 and it is powered with a dual-core 1GHz ST-Ericsson U8420 processor with 1GB of RAM. Internally it runs on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean out of the box. Exterior wise, it looks rather similar to its Galaxy S III brother with the sensors and front facing camera being placed on the left side instead.
In terms of imaging, it uses a modest 5MP camera at the back and comes with a VGA camera in the front. Internally it comes with 16GB of storage which is expandable via microSD. In terms of dimensions, the S III Mini is 9.9mm thick (Galaxy S III 8.6mm) and is powered with a 1,500mAh battery. The full details will be revealed during its official launch tomorrow. Price wise, the Galaxy S III Mini is said to be around US$515 which is about RM1,500.
Apart from the S III mini, the Galaxy S Duos is yet another Galaxy S III “Mini” device that accepts 2 SIMs. However the Galaxy S Duos is a notch lower with a single core 1GHz processor and 512MB of RAM.
Since most flagship phones are having large displays, there’s a need for a decent spec smart phone that’s comfortable to use with a single hand. We are hoping for a similar quad-core spec and a 720p HD display but unfortunately the S III mini is a rather mid-spec device.
One more pic with size comparison against the Galaxy S III after the break.