Today you probably see more black profile photos and site themes than usual. The reason behind this is to create awareness of Evidence Act Section 114A, that was passed in Parliament without much debate in April and was gazetted on 31st July 2012.
To sum it up, the new act goes against the principle of “innocent until proven guilty”. If someone uses your name to post something offending online, it would be presumed to be you until you proven otherwise. The same goes with internet access. If someone does something illegal with your internet subscription or on your device, you too can be made liable too. The Evidence Act which can be read here poses a lot of loopholes which can easily get people into trouble unknowingly.
While we can protect ourselves by being more vigilant with our devices and internet security, the new amendment to the Evidence Act is doing very little to protect the regular internet users out there. Instead we feel that it doesn’t protect innocent users but motivates hackers and mischiefs to continue with their activities. With today’s one day Internet Blackout, we hope this will pressure our MPs to repeal this amendment.
To learn more, head over to STOP #114A site and their Facebook page.
Check out the infographic after the break.