Senior Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob has announced that all states in Peninsular Malaysia except for Perlis, Pahang and Kelantan will be placed under Conditional Movement Control Order. This will take into effect for 4 weeks from 9th November until 6th December 2020. It also means that the CMCO for the Klang Valley has been extended for another 28 days.

According to the senior minister, interdistrict and interstate travel during this period will not be allowed. However, those who need to travel for work are required to show their authorisation letter or work pass to cross borders.
For those that need to cross borders for emergency purposes may apply at their nearest police station. The public can download and print the travel permit form which is available on the Royal Malaysian Police Facebook page. You can also print out the PDF form here.
Residents in CMCO areas can still go out to buy necessities but with a maximum limit of 2 people per vehicle. The government advises against bringing along family members from high-risk groups especially the elderly and children below 12 years old.