When it comes to eco-friendly driving, let’s get real, it’s boring and is as much fun as watching a bean sprout. But we all know that economical driving is good for our pockets and good for the environment. So what can we do to encourage ourselves to drive more economically?
A novel iPhone app might have the answer.
“A Glass of Water” is an application that encourages economical driving by placing a virtual glass of water on the dash of your car. The app behaves exactly like a real glass of water. The challenge is to drive smoothly so that there’s minimum spillage. The logic is, the less you spill the more economical your driving.
The app integrates with Google maps and records your driving distance, time, fuel consumption and amount of water spilled. The data is automatically uploaded to a dedicated website and can be analysed later to allow you to improve your driving further. You can also trace your driving route and identify locations where you can drive more economically.You can also compare your driving with other participants. There’s also an option to share your results and achievements on Facebook.
Overall, it’s a pretty nifty app that we enjoy using. Too bad that it’s only available for the iPhone at the moment. Hit up the source link for details.