ChargeSini EV charging hub in Mayang Mall is now closed until further notice. The hub which can cater to up to 4 EVs at the same time through two 60kW DC chargers, is the largest EV charging station in Kuala Terengganu to date.
We were told that the reason behind the temporary closure was due to licensing issues. While the Charge Point Operator has never publicly promoted the charging station, Mayang Mall’s EV charging hub has been serving EV owners in Kuala Terengganu since late last year.

Mayang Mall has now been labelled as “Coming Soon” in the ChargeSini app. It is certainly not the news that EV owners want to hear especially those that are heading to Kuala Terengganu for the upcoming Raya holidays.
Kuala Terengganu desperately in need of more public DC chargers

In general, Kuala Terengganu has the least amount of public EV chargers when compared to other state capitals in the East Coast region such as Kota Bharu.
Now that the ChargeSini Mayang Mall EV charging station is deactivated temporarily, the number of public DC charging bays in Kuala Terengganu has been reduced from 10 to 6 bays. Furthermore, the power output for all 3 DC chargers that are servicing these bays is under 100kW.

As a comparison, there are currently 9 operational DC charging bays in Kota Bharu. While the power output for all DC chargers within the city is also under 100kW, there are two 180kW chargers in Pasir Pekan and Pengkalan Chepa which is just a short drive away.
Other DC charging locations in Kuala Terengganu

So, if you are heading to Kuala Terengganu this coming Raya, where to charge your EV then? Well, here are other DC charging locations that you can utilise in the city:
- ChargeSini Mydin Mall Gong Badak: 60kW with 2 nozzles – RM1.50 / kWh
- ChargeSini Proton e.MAS KT (Indahsari NEV): 40kW with 2 nozzles – RM1.49 / kWh
- BMW Millennium Welt: 47kW DC with 2 nozzle – RM1.20 / min
We also recommend that you bring along your 3-pin portable charger (granny charger). While the charging speed might be slow, your EV should be able to get a decent amount of energy when you charge it overnight using the granny charger.

That being said, make sure to start charging at a lower amperage first and monitor the temperature of the cable before increasing – this is assuming that you have an adjustable granny charger. In addition to that, don’t forget to plug the charger directly into the wall socket instead of using an extension to ensure safe operation.