If you’re a motorist who will be needing to take care of some bureaucratic work this week, you might want to get it done either very soon or delay till next week. This comes as the Malaysian Road Transport Department (JPJ) has revealed that the MySikap portal will be down for maintenance from tomorrow 15 September onwards till 17 September.
In a post on the JPJ Facebook page, the department has announced that with the MySikap system going offline for maintenance for the rest of this week, it will affect all work at the various JPJ department and state counters as well as the public and business portals, agency and business integration, eWallet services for Vehicle Entry Permits (VEP), kiosk services, JPJ eBid services and the MyJPJ application as well.

The downtime will start at 5pm 15 September till 6am 17 September. In the meantime, those of you requiring these services will need to take it into account. With the MyJPJ app also down, it’s perhaps worth remembering to carry around your physical driver’s license and road tax too in case you get stopped and are unable to show your digital copy of your papers.
You can head over to the JPJ Facebook page for more details about the MySikap system downtime.