I’ve mostly been playing the new Pokemon series over the long weekend, and in all honesty? I’m having a lot of fun with it. But I have experienced a few glitches here and there in the game—and it looks like the entire Pokemon fanbase on the internet has been experiencing the same with their Pokemon Scarlet and Violet games, except that their glitches can be a lot more ridiculous.
Dropping into a pile of nothing
This is normal. #PokemonScarletViolet #NintendoSwitch pic.twitter.com/UWpy25CKC1
— Kraken Mare (@KrakenMare77) November 18, 2022
One of the best things about the game, for me, is that players get to explore an open-world concept but are still playing with the familiar battle strategy format when they encounter wild Pokemon. But sometimes, it feels like the world is a little bit too open.
Sure, you get to jump over tall hills and climb them back up again. But one user caught a glitch that had them sucked into the ground. People compared it to something you can find in God of War Ragnarok, but I’ve seen the same thing in games like Fallout 4 and Skyrim. I figured that a lot of open-world concepts have the potential for something similar.
A lot of, er, awkward positions
#포켓몬SV #NintendoSwitc pic.twitter.com/0qIW7B1Lsj
— 얏 (@yap_miliy) November 20, 2022
A problem I faced a lot while playing the game is that my character would often intersect with other Pokemon or characters, like the game didn’t take into consideration how big a Pokemon can be. So, as a result, when I’m bending down to talk to a Pokemon, a larger one would awkwardly have its face through my character’s body—because there isn’t enough space for interactions.
OH NO pic.twitter.com/bYKh3dynNT
— Out of Context Pokémon (@OoCPokemon) November 19, 2022
Similarly, even though it’s cool that other players can watch you fight and catch Pokemon in multiplayer mode, players can actually walk through the Pokemon. It can then look like the Pokemon is coming out of a player’s body.
Riding on nothing
— Out of Context Pokémon (@OoCPokemon) November 19, 2022
I’ve never faced this glitch myself, but players have reported that the weird big motorcycle Pokemon you’re able to ride can glitch out. This can result in looking like your characters are riding on an invisible jet.
Just plain-old spinnin’ around
狂っちゃった #ポケモンSV #NintendoSwitch pic.twitter.com/LSpiFJ7wGl
— なめピロ (@namepiro) November 18, 2022
Another new fun thing you can do in the games is react—like clapping your hands and pose. It’s a lot like what you can do in Animal Crossing, which makes multiplayer mode more interactive and fun. But a few players report a glitch when you do so.
GameFreak deserves a round of applause for this one pic.twitter.com/EhCPt1qAXg
— Strat (@LaidbackStrat) November 18, 2022
With this amount of reports on how glitchy the games can be, we can probably expect Pokemon to release an update that could at least fix what I could only guess is a rushed product. But despite the troubles, I’m having so much fun with the open-world concept in the Pokemon world I’m familiar with.