In a beta version of Spotify (available on TestFlight), the music streaming app is testing out a ‘Discover’ page where you scroll through a vertical feed of music videos, not unlike a TikTok feed.

In copying the TikTok format, Spotify is joining countless apps such as Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, Pinterest, Netflix, and Snapchat. The feature will be under the Discover tab on the bottom of the screen, next to Home and Search.

Once you go on the Discover page, Spotify will recommend you a song and play you a short looping video in the background. The video will most likely be taken from the Canvas feature launched back in 2019. While you listen to the song, you can ‘like’ the song or skip it by swiping up. You can also go back to a previous song by swiping down.
This isn’t Spotify’s first time looking at other platforms for inspiration. This year, they launched the Spotify Clips feature, which was basically like Instagram Stories but for select artists.
Spotify declined to comment on whether it will be available for both iOS and Android. They also didn’t confirm which markets or demographics were being tested.
Spotify’s Discover feature is currently not publicly available as it’s just being tested via Apple’s TestFlight, a beta-testing platform. There’s no way to get the beta version unless you’ve been invited, but you can sign up for TestFlight on their website and hope that you get a beta-testing link soon.