As Malaysia is reopening most of its economic sectors under the National Recovery Plan, all individuals will be required to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination via MySejahtera. However, there are complaints that some individuals have not gotten their digital certificates despite fulfilling the criteria of being fully vaccinated. If your digital vaccine certificate is not showing in MySejahtera, here’s what you can do.
Verify your personal details
According to MySejahtera, 70% of COVID-19 vaccination record issues are due to incomplete verification. To do solve this problem, just launch the MySejahtera app, go to the home screen and then tap on COVID-19 Vaccination (or Vaksinasi COVID-19).

Then tap on your name (e.g. Vaccination for XXXX or Vaksin untuk XXXX), and complete the vaccine verification process. You’ll need to check and confirm that your name, IC or passport number as well as your MySejahtera ID is correct. Then hit submit.
Remove yourself as a dependent

Another possibility is that you may have been registered as a dependent on another MySejahtera account. If you want your vaccine to be displayed in your personal MySejahtera account, you must first be removed as a dependent. To do so, go to the principal MySejahtera account that has added you as a dependent, and go to the home screen and then tap on COVID-19 Vaccination (or Vaksinasi COVID-19).

Then tap on “Add Vaccine Dependent” (or Tambah Tanggungan Vaksinasi) and then remove your name by clicking on the link.
When you register your own MySejahtera account, make sure you’ve verified your details as shown in the example above. Your vaccine certificate is tied to your IC or passport number, so do make sure that it is entered correctly. According to MySejahtera, your vaccine certificate should be displayed immediately after verification.
Manakala bagi mereka yang masih terikat sebagai tanggungan atau “Dependent” kepada akaun lain, akaun tanggungan tersebut perlu dipadam terlebih dahulu sebelum membuka akaun persendirian yang baru.
— MySejahtera (@my_sejahtera) October 26, 2021
Sila ikut panduan melalui video ini:
Report to MySejathera Helpdesk
Anda telah mendapat 2 dos vaksinasi COVID-19 tetapi masih tidak mendapat sijil vaksinasi di dalam MySejahtera?
— KKM Portal MyHealth (@MyHEALTHKKM) September 15, 2021
Tonton video ini untuk langkah yang perlu dilakukan.#COVID19#LindungDiriLindungSemua#MenangBersamaMharungiCOVID19#sihatmilikku
If the steps above don’t work and your vaccine certificate is still missing, you can submit a complaint via the MySejahtera Helpdesk feature. Just go to MySejahtera, head to the home screen, and then tap on Helpdesk.
Click Start and then scroll all the way down to select “M. I have been vaccinated but my digital certificate is missing” (M. Saya telah divaksin tetapi sijil digital tiada di halaman profil). Fill up your details and click next.
You can also use the Helpdesk to report any errors or mistake with your vaccination details.
Definition of fully vaccinated

To recap, a person who has received a two-dose vaccine (Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Sinovac) is only counted as fully vaccinated 14 days after receiving the second dose. For those who have gotten a single-dose vaccine (CanSino, Johnson & Johnson), you are only considered fully vaccinated 28 days after getting the jab.
In case you missed it, individuals who have been fully vaccinated overseas can also apply for a local digital vaccine certificate on MySejahtera. This can be done via the Helpdesk feature and you are required to submit proof of vaccination. For individuals who can’t get vaccinated due to health reasons, they can also apply for a digital exemption certificate by submitting a certified pre-vaccination assessment slip to a district health office. Once verified, your MySejahtera app will show the exemption status.