With the movement control order (MCO) declared for Kuala Lumpur and several districts in Johor, Perak and Terengganu, interstate travellers are reminded to “obtain police permission”. Transport Minister Wee Ka Siong also put out a statement saying that interstate travellers using public transport must also obtain the same documents.
His statement includes a reminder for public transport passengers to get valid permission from the police before performing interstate travel. Passengers should also comply with station employees or the authorities if they are asked to show a release letter from your employer as well.
“All travellers and public transport employees should always follow the guidelines that have been set by the Malaysian National Security Council (MKN) and the Health Ministry with the new MCO order,” wrote Wee Ka Siong on Facebook.
The statement came with several pictures of authorities checking for documents on public transport, as well as at the stations. Wee also added that train services will “operate at full capacity”, and that passengers must put on face masks and adhere to physical distancing.
“Don’t forget to scan with the MySejahtera app or write in your details in the log books,” he continued.
If you need to travel interdistrict to get your COVID-19 vaccination, police permission is not required. Just show your vaccine appointment in the MySejahtera app if you get stopped at roadblocks.