Malaysians can enjoy the same low fuel prices as last week as the pricing remains unchanged across the board for the coming week. Both RON95 and RON97 petrol are still priced under RM2.00 per litre, while Diesel remains at RM1.74 per litre.

Below are the fuel prices for the period between 31st October to 6th November 2020:
RON95 – RM1.64/litre (+0 sen)
RON97 – RM1.94/litre (+0 sen)
Diesel – RM1.74/litre (+0 sen)
Diesel (Euro 5) – RM1.84/litre (+0 sen)
The price of fuel in Malaysia is calculated based on the Automatic Pricing Mechanism (APM). According to the Ministry of Finance, the adjustments in fuel prices reflect the changes in the pricing of refined oil products in line with the current global crude oil prices.
In case you missed it, CMCO for the Klang Valley has been extended until the 9th of November 2020. During this period, interdistrict movement is not allowed unless it is for official duties. Those that need to travel interdistrict to work must present a work pass or authorisation letter from their employers. There’s still a maximum limit of 2 persons per vehicle for those that need to travel out to buy essentials.
If there’s a need to carry more people including those who are running a family business, may obtain permission at their nearest police station. eHailing and taxi drivers are permitted to carry a maximum of 2 passengers.