A new Telegram update brings users a wide array of features, including profile videos and unlimited file sharing with up to 2GB per file. Telegram in their blog also took a playful jab at WhatsApp, as they promote their new file sharing size limit.
“Since 2014, Telegram users have been sharing files up to 1.5 GB each, which happens to be 93 times larger than 16 MB (which is a totally random number, we have no idea what it could possibly mean),” wrote Telegram, “From now on, you can send unlimited numbers of media and files of any kind—up to 2 GB each.”
16MB refers to the file sharing size limit set by WhatsApp—which equals to about 90 seconds to 3 minutes of video. On Telegram, you can potentially send a 2 hour movie, which is equivalent to 1.5GB. You’d still have 0.5GB to spare.
Telegram described this feature as “a magical picture from Harry Potter”. If you aren’t a millennial, it means that you can now have the option to upload a video to your profile. Here’s how you do it:
At risk of it seeming a little like dating apps, Telegram is adding a new addition to their ‘People Nearby’ feature. Via the People Nearby section, you will see how far away people are.
It seems like a good idea for situations like adding a person you know who is already around you, without needing to get their number. But it is already spewing out gross groups like “Sex Video”—with more than 500 members.
You’ll now be able to see a small thumbnail of what an image would be to “get an idea of what media is in a message”. The new thumbnails also appear in notifications and message search results so you “never lose a cat photo again.”
Other features include filtering new chats from non-contacts, group stats—where owners of large groups with over 500 members can view detailed graphs about their activity and growth, a revamp of the music player for Android with new icons and an expandable track list, be able to sign into 3 accounts from different phone numbers without logging out, and ‘more animated’ emoji.
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