Fuel prices are up again for the coming week with a 5 sen per litre increase for both RON95 and RON97. Meanwhile, the price for diesel is up slightly by 2 sen per litre.

Below are the fuel prices for the period between 6th to 12th June 2020:
RON95 – RM1.48/litre (+5 sen)
RON97 – RM1.78/litre (+5 sen)
Diesel – RM1.63/litre (+2 sen)
Diesel (Euro 5) – RM1.73/litre (+2 sen)
According to the Ministry of Finance, the price increase is due to the increase of refined product prices that are affected by the market price of global crude oil. This is the 4th price hike during the movement control order.
Petrol prices in Malaysia have dropped to as low as RM1.25/litre for RON95 and RM1.55/litre for RON97, and it was maintained for 5 weeks since the 11th of April. However, prices have gradually increased since the 16th of May.