Bukit Aman CID director, Datuk Huzir Mohamed, has just revealed that interstate travel via express buses is now permitted. However, bus operators must adhere to the SOP guidelines.
This was revealed during the live stream session (21:00 minute onwards) on Sinar Harian’s Facebook page this afternoon. For example, if a bus has a capacity of 40 passengers, they must not carry more than 20 passengers to ensure social distancing. Similar to rail services via KTM Komuter and ETS, there shouldn’t be anyone sitting next to you.
In addition, the police have also issued a press statement to announce that motorcycles are also permitted for interstate travel. For land public transport, this is only allowed for operators with legal permits.
Previously, the two modes of transport were not permitted for interstate travel and this was also mentioned during yesterday’s press conference.
According to the police, the decision to allow express buses and motorcycle for interstate travel is based on the current situation on highways and federal roads which appear to be smooth.
The same permitted travel dates still apply, and below is the full schedule from PDRM based on location:
7th May – From Kuala Lumpur
8th May – From Perak, Johor and Kelantan
9th May – From Perlis, Kedah, Pulau Pinang, Melaka and Pahang
10th May – From Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and Terengganu
The police has reiterated that the interstate travel is only for those who are stranded at their hometowns. Balik kampung is strictly not allowed. 2-way travel is permitted to pick up stranded family members.
Gerak Malaysia 2.5 app required

Similar to those travelling by private vehicles, those intending to travel interstate may request for permit via Gerak Malaysia version 2.5 which is now available on Apple AppStore, Google PlayStore and Huawei AppGallery.
You must generate the QR code from the Gerak Malaysia app on the day of travel and it is valid for one day only. If you’re travelling on the 10th of May, you can fill up the form and generate the QR code on the 10th of May after 12.00am. For more details, you can refer to our Gerak Malaysia post.
For those who can’t sign up via Gerak Malaysia, may submit a manual form at the nearest police station. An appointment must be made to avoid overcrowding at the station.