To support Malaysia’s medical frontliners, Celcom is providing additional connectivity assistance at hospitals managing COVID-19 cases throughout the country. The blue telco has handed over 200 postpaid SIM cards to the Ministry of Health for them to reach out to COVID-19 Patients Under Investigation (PUI) and potential contacts.
The SIMs offer unlimited voice calls and 20GB of data. This allows faster communication whether it is via voice call or WhatsApp.

In addition, Celcom is also providing further assistance at Hospital Sungai Buloh, which is one of the critical hospitals handling COVID-19 cases. They have distributed 40 mobile devices with phone lines. Celcom has deployed “Cellular on Wheels”, which are essentially mobile base stations to ensure continuous connectivity around the hospital vicinity.
Celcom CEO Idham Nawawi said “Celcom values and strongly supports the relentless efforts by MOH and medical frontliners in curbing the COVID-19 global pandemic. As the nation’s dedicated medical frontliners are utilising all resources including manpower and technical infrastructures, our support aims to ease their efforts and extend their communication avenue further, which is also crucial in curbing and flattening the curve of COVID-19 amongst Malaysians.”