Tune Talk has announced its new Cun Prepaid plan that provides more data for your money. Its key highlight is its RM48 monthly plan that offers 70GB of data and unlimited calls.
At the surface, this looks like an update of its previous Value Pack data plan. For the RM48/month plan, it comes with 10GB of high-speed data and they have upgraded its video quota from 40GB to 60GB per month.
However, do note that the data for video streaming has a daily allocation of 2GB/day. If you use beyond 2GB, the plan will deduct from your existing high-speed data. On top of that, the RM48/month plan comes with unlimited access for chat, social and music, plus 10GB of basic internet. The plan also provides unlimited calls to all networks.

If you’re looking for a more affordable option, there’s the monthly RM28/month plan that comes with 6GB high-speed data and 15GB of video data. Similar to the previous plan, the video quota has a daily split and the RM28/month has a daily allocation of 500MB/day.
The plan also comes with unlimited calls (within Tune Talk), 10GB basic internet plus unlimited access to chat and social apps.

In case you missed it, Tune Talk is still offering an annual plan where you can get 120GB for RM200/year. With this plan, you’re getting 10GB of data each month for 12 months and it comes with 10GB of basic internet and unlimited calls within the Tune Talk network.

For more info on the new Cun Value prepaid plans, you can visit Tune Talk’s website.