Don’t you love it when app developers open themselves to suggestion from the public on social media? I know I do, especially when it is regarding apps that are as beloved as Google Photos. In this particular case, the product lead of Google’s wildly popular photo app tweeted for people to tweet him their suggestions on features, bug fixes and anything at all related to the app.
Hi Twitter! It's no-meetings week at @googlephotos and I've got a couple hours free. Tell me what you want to see next from Google Photos! New features, bug fixes, performance improvements, you name it. (No promises but very open minds!)
— David Lieb (@dflieb) July 2, 2019
The tweed has already garnered over 600 replies and although David Lieb’s budgeted time for this discussions is now over, he still encourages users to drop any and all feedback they have in the same thread.
While it’s hard to say how effective this form of feedback request is–and how much of what was suggested will actually make it into the final product–I still think this is a really cool move. Even if it doesn’t amount to actual change within the application, it’s a good way to gauge interest in any particular feature. Plus, interacting with people who are passionate about what you’re passionate about is always fun.
Speaking of passion, if you want to talk tech with us, ask for recommendations or anything at all, you should totally join us in our Facebook group RKMD. It has been really great so far, with great discussions taking place on the daily.