This post is brought to you by Maxis.
Today, it’s hard to imagine going through our lives without having an internet connection, and should it ever go down, our world would come to a grinding halt. In many homes, the internet is a source of information and entertainment, and in some others, the internet powers home security systems and smart home appliances.
Let’s face it, the internet today is a must have especially with families that have multiple smartphones and laptops – all of which are hungry for data and faster speeds. So, how does one ensure everyone gets the data they need, whether to use in or out of the home, at a price that easily suits the family budget? Things get even more complex when family members have different data plans from different operators.
To solve this conundrum, here are FOUR questions you need to ask yourself before you subscribe to that internet plan.
1. Does that internet plan come with unlimited mobile data?

From playing games to watching videos to posting Instagram stories, you need a lot of mobile data for your phone. If you have a family with kids old enough to have phones of their own, they’ll need a lot of data too.
Instead of managing one mobile data plan, you’re now managing multiple plans with (possibly) different data, call and SMS quotas – this, can get very complicated. It becomes even more of a headache when the plans are from different operators with different payment due dates. As if your life is not complicated enough as it is.
So, what do you do?
Well, you can consolidate all the disparate plans into one with the same data, call and SMS quotas and same payment due date to make things easier to manage. And to avoid being surprised by unexpected costs from ad-hoc purchases of data passes or add-ons at the end of the month, give your family a plan that comes with unlimited data for home and mobile.
What plan offers all these conveniences you ask? Say hello to the MaxisOne Prime plan.
The best part about the MaxisONE Prime plan is that everything from data to calls and SMS are unlimited for both you and your supplementary lines.
2. Does that internet plan offer an affordable all-in-one package for home and mobile for you and your family?

With the MaxisONE Prime plan, you get a lot of flexibility to choose the plan that suits your family’s needs.
Every MaxisONE Prime plan comes complete with a mobile plan and a home broadband plan.
For example, you can subscribe to an unlimited mobile data plan for only RM98/month and you can pair that with the most affordable RM89/month 30Mbps Home Fibre Plan for a complete all-in-one home and mobile plan for the whole family.

While the Home Fibre Plans are differentiated by speed, with the fastest plan offering speeds of up to 100Mbps, the biggest difference between the mobile plans is the number of supplementary Share Lines you can add.
With the MaxisONE 98 Plan, you can add one supplementary Share Line for just RM48/month, while the top MaxisONE 188 Plan allows you to add up to four extra supplementary Share Lines. And, since all the supplementary lines under MaxisONE Prime come with unlimited data, you and your family don’t have to go on a data diet. Get more value and save more money when you add your family members under the same MaxisONE Prime account.
3. Does that internet plan provide a backup internet connection for emergencies?

Home broadband outages happen more often than we would like.
Last year for example, The Communications and Multimedia Consumer Forum of Malaysia (CFM) received a total of 6,330 complaints about telecommunications service providers. Out of that, over 3,100 are about network and service delivery. Close to 50% of the total complaints received by the CFM are network related and many of this are due to network outages.
Typically, when home fibre services go down because of cable cuts, without a backup you’re left without internet at home for days and most of the time, you’ll be stuck with your mobile internet which may have a limited data quota. However, with the MaxisONE Prime plan, you can be sure that your family won’t experience any internet disruptions.

With Maxis, you get a WiFi router that comes with a backup 4G dongle. This is how it looks like.
4. Does that internet plan include mobile roaming data for you and your family?

The MaxisONE Prime plan does
With MaxisONE Prime plan, you can get free roaming for your entire family when one person activates data roaming. Yup, all you need to do is activate the Data Roam Pass for RM38/day to enjoy unlimited high-speed data abroad. This data is available for your entire family as well!
For example, imagine you’re a family of five, all with your own mobile lines and you’re on holiday in Thailand. With MaxisOne Prime, all of the five mobile lines under your plan can use unlimited roaming internet for only RM38/day, that’s only RM7.60 per person per day! The service is available in nine ASEAN countries now and Maxis is adding more countries onto the list regularly.
MaxisONE Prime is the right answer for you and your family, big or small

Ask the right questions, get the right answers. With MaxisONE Prime, you get it all. There’s no need to worry about different operators, different plans and different bills just so you can get your family connected.
With MaxisONE Prime, you get one awesome, affordable plan for everything and the best part is that you’ll be on one of the best – and most robust – networks in Malaysia, be it wired or wireless. What are you waiting for? Head on over the Maxis’ website to choose your MaxisONE Prime plan today!