The internet is an amazing thing but unfortunately, not everyone are fortunate enough to enjoy the same level of access especially in rural and urban poor areas. As part of Maxis’ flagship CSR campaign, they have introduced eKelas, an after-school technology-enabled learning program, with the objective to improve the academic performance of students especially in rural areas.
To celebrate a new milestone and to recognise top performing students, Maxis is rewarding those that have showed the most improvement in their studies with the help of eKelas.
Out of 31 submissions, Maxis has identified 11 students to receive the Anugerah Gemilang eKelas. 3 of them have showed improvement in all 3 subjects taught in the eKelas program. They have received RM1,200 which will be deposited into their National Education Savings Scheme (Skim Simpanan Pendidikan Nasional 1Malaysia) and a school starter pack.
The remaining 8 students that have showed progress in at least two subjects and retain the same grade in the other have received a contribution of RM600 for their education savings scheme and also a school starter pack.
At the moment, eKelas covers English, Science and Mathematics, and it provides students with virtual tutorial via live streaming conducted by top teachers from around the country. Students can interact directly with teachers and they can share and discuss their views on the eKelas cloud-based learning portal.
There are currently 12 teachers on the platform and each teacher can connect up to 5 “classrooms” per session. So far the program has registered more than 4,000 students and Maxis aims to bring this number up to 10,000 students by end 2018.
eKelas by Maxis is currently available at 45 Pusat Internet 1Malaysia (PI1M) in 10 states including East Malaysia. There are a total of 118 PI1M centres nationwide that are managed by Maxis. Maxis also claims to be the first telco in Malaysia to offer an after-school learning experience at these PI1M centres.
To learn more about the program, you can visit the eKelas website.