There has been some talks about a new Xperia coming. Initial specifications include a 4.3-inch 1280×720 pixel screen pushing out 320ppi density but little else is know about the device that’s rumoured to carry the name Xperia HD and is expected to be released within the first quarter of next year.
We now have leaked pictures of the device and we’re disappointed with what we’re seeing. Mainly because it looks like this new device will not have a dual-core processor. As you can see in the Quadrant benchmark score, the unreleased device manages a 1,800. This is way below Quadrant benchmarks set by dual-core devices like the Galaxy SII (3,500 — Exynos), HTC Sensation (2,245) and the LG Optimus 2X (2,500). This suggests the unreleased Sony Ericsson could be running at the very least a 1.4GHz processor or a 1.5GHz single-core unit.
Another disappointment is the RAM, the mystery device only has 691MB of RAM when flagship models from other manufacturers are pushing 1GB. Then, there’s the operating system. From the pictures we can see that the device is running Gingerbread (most probably 2.3.4 or perhaps 2.3.5). The thin sliver of light at the bottom part of the device also houses Sony Ericsson’s trademark three navigation buttons which suggests that the device is made to run Gingerbread.
Sony Ericsson is the only major manufacturer that doesn’t have a dual-core Android smartphone in its line-up and in a market where everybody else is looking at quad-core flagships, this could hurt sales. Let’s hope that the other leaked Xperia — the Xperia Duo — is not vapourware.
More pictures after the jump.

[pictures from here]