UPDATE: iPad 2 launched. New stock expected next week or you can order online. Read about it here.
There you go iPad 2 hopefuls. Your biggest question about the iPad 2 has been answered. Right after the official announcement from Apple that iPad 2 is indeed coming to Malaysia this Friday, one of Malaysia’s largest Apple retailers — Machines — has revealed the official pricing for the device, and it is cheaper than expected!
Overall the iPad 2 is cheaper across the board that the original, up to RM100 for some models compared to the original and it RM100 cheaper all-round than our earlier estimated price.
16GB: iPad RM1,549 — iPad 2 RM1,499
32GB: iPad RM1,849 — iPad 2 RM1,799
64GB: iPad RM2,149 — iPad 2 RM2,099
16GB: iPad RM1,999 — iPad 2 RM1,899
32GB: iPad RM2,299 — iPad 2 RM2,199
64GB: iPad RM2,599 — iPad 2 RM2,499
No word of how much the Smart Cover will cost but now you know that it’s not going to deviate much from the estimated RM150 for the polyurethane version and RM250 for the leather casing.
Sale for the iPad 2 will start this Friday, April 29 at 9am for retail stores and 1am for online purchases. Expect long, long, long, long lines at all official retail outlets. You have been warned.
Thanks @Blaze_Edge and @mushtaqtera for the tip!