The Android Market is the central hub to search for applications for Android. Since its launch, the Android market experience isn’t as polished as compared to iPhone’s AppStore and even the most recent Marketplace for Windows Phone 7. Finally the Android development guys has been working very hard to improve the market experience and the new revamp looks so much better than before.
First the look of Market has been refreshed and now has a familiar carousel for you to flip through covers of various app for better discovery. The listing has been cleaned up as well and there’s even a dedicated widgets and live wallpaper section making it easier to find than before.
On apps purchase, the developer guys at Android discovered that most app refunds request are done in mere minutes rather than hours. Therefore they have reduced the refund window from a day to a mere 15 minutes.
So when can you get it? According to Android Developer’s blog, the new market will be rolled out within the next 2 weeks. Another good news is that it is available for Android 1.6 and above which pretty much cover almost everybody using an Android today.