The Xperia X10 currently does not offer multi-touch even with its latest Android 2.1 update. This simply mean you can’t pinch to zoom when browsing the web, viewing maps or while viewing photo.
Now Sony Ericsson has announced on their blog that while the Xperia X10 was never intended to support multi-touch since day 1, they are still working on making this possible due to the requests of its users. They are trying to enhance its driver and firmware for its touch digitizer to allow multi-touch gestures to work. However they also stress that this is still work in progress and it does come with some limitations.
Therefore, they are only looking at having multi-touch available strictly for web browser and maps upon release. No exact dates were given but they say it should be out by early next year, Q1 2011. We have to say it again, Sony Ericsson please buck up and come out with a proper flagship android device. Their devices doesn’t make us go WOW at first sight and the pricing is too expensive compared to what others are offering. Even their UPCOMING Anzu device is not impressive enough to compare with today’s Galaxy S or Desire HD.
In the mean time, Watch their Work in Progress video on the Xperia X10 after the jump.