It has been nearly a year since the WiMAX players had launched their commercial service and coverage has always been the main concern of consumers today. MCMC even aims WiMAX operators to target 25% of Malaysia population by end of this year. That’s 6.75 million people to cover.
So how are our WiMAX operators doing? P1 and AMAX so far are the only operators who published their coverage areas online. Compare the Klang Valley coverage below:
P1 W1MAX Coverage [ SOURCE ]
AMAX WiMAX Coverage [ SOURCE ]
These screenshots are obtained today 4th June 2009. As shown above, P1 has been expanding aggressively in the Klang Valley. Meanwhile AMAX too is also expanding by patches and we can see that there are several new spots in Cheras updated recently.
P1 is currently the most visible WiMAX player and the coverage availability is quite extensive as shown above. If they keep this up, the 25% target could be achieved by year end.
No coverage details are available for YTL and RedTone at the moment although RedTone has started showing some WiMAX packages recently.